Friday, August 12, 2016

Magna Bishop Storehouse Radio Room Closure

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the closure of the Magna Bishop Storehouse radio room.  We appreciate the many hours spent cleaning up and organizing the room.  We also acknowledge the many donations made as well.  The end result was a fully functional communications and training center.

Regarding the future, as far as we know we will continue our Tuesday Nets held each Tuesday at 9:00 PM.  on 145.450 Mhz repeater.

In the mean time to quote Richard Shaw, KC7GMM "When an emergency occurs, check on your family and grab your go kit for that is not the time to learn, rather it’s the time to put into use that which has been learned, practiced, and polished."

Mat Murdock

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Salt Flats 100 Endurance Run Pictures

Everything Setup.  Nice weather huh
Close up of the station.
Antenna.  8 - 4" fiberglass poles with a dual band antenna up top.
I also added a red strobe light that is solar powered and comes on at night automatically.
Pretty late.  You can see the beacon above the tent.
Aid Station 11 is all decorated.  It even had a strobe light.
4:50 AM.   Sleepy Time
The runners actually were never able to run on the Salt Flats this year as they were flooded.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 5th Meeting Notes

We welcome all those who were able to attend our March 5th meeting.  Below are the slides that were presented.

The next meeting will be in June.  If you have any questions or comments feel free to email us at  We are generally at the Storehouse Radio Room each Saturday until 12:00 PM.  If you plan on coming by it would be best to send an email to the address above to verify that someone will be there.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rack House Cleaning

11/14/2015 - This Saturday we came to the conclusion we only needed one rack for out servers, switches, and batteries.  Unfortunately most of the stuff was not mounted in the better of the two racks, so we decided to transfer everything to the better rack.  It took about three hours to complete but I think the results were worth it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Feel free to come by the Magna Bishop Storehouse on Saturday's between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.  We are usually working on the radio room, talking to folks about amateur radio, and chatting about our hobby.